Guidelines for LinkedIn Posting (Pt. 2): 3 C's for Perfect Captions

Ben Griffith
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The Beginning: Context

The first line of your LinkedIn post serves as a gateway to capturing your audience's attention. To make a powerful impact, address the specific issue, challenge, or need that your target audience is facing. There are many LinkedIn posts I will see on the daily that have some crazy beginning, but end up having nothing to do with the actual content they are sharing or it is not at all relevant to the audience they are looking to serve. Instead, by following this context-oriented approach instantly resonates with your audience by being relevant, which encourages them to continue reading further. By acknowledging their challenges from the start, you position yourself as a valuable source of insights and solutions.

What’s After you Establish Context? Connection

Once you have acknowledged your audience's challenges, it's essential to bridge the gap between their needs and your content. The second portion of your copy should create a seamless connection between their issues and the solutions your content offers. It is crucial to clearly communicate how your content addresses their specific challenge, providing them with valuable insights, strategies, or resources. It can be helpful to briefly summarize the insights your audience can gain from your content by listing them in brief bullet points. By highlighting the connection between their needs and your content, you captivate their interest and encourage further engagement.

Bring it Full Circle: Call to Action

Having established the link between your audience's challenges and your content, it's time to guide them towards taking action. The third line of your copy should include a strong and compelling call to action (CTA). Clearly communicate the specific action you want your audience to take, such as visiting a website, downloading a resource, registering for an event, or initiating a conversation. Your CTA should emphasize the value they will gain by taking that action, encouraging them to actively engage with your content or business. However, remember that the two previous portions of copy, context and connection, are used to prepare and open your audience up to a call to action. If your audience has not yet resonated with your context and found your connection relevant, they will not see value in taking your call to action.

Additional Notes: Well-Researched and Tested Hashtags

In addition to crafting compelling copy, optimizing your posts with well-researched and relevant hashtags is important for improving your reach and visibility on LinkedIn. Hashtags categorize your content, making it more discoverable to the right audience. Research industry-specific or trending hashtags that relate to your content, and regularly test their effectiveness. By using hashtags strategically, you enhance the chances of reaching a broader audience and attracting individuals interested in your niche.


Crafting effective copy on LinkedIn is an art that demands attention to detail. By following the 3 C's—providing context, creating a connection, and delivering a strong call to action—you can create engaging posts that resonate with your target audience. Additionally, incorporating well-researched and tested hashtags can enhance your post's discoverability. By implementing this checklist, you will enhance your LinkedIn marketing efforts, successfully connect with your audience, and achieve your marketing objectives.

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